pervade|pervaded|pervades|pervading in English


[per·vade || pər'veɪd /pə'v-]

penetrate, infiltrate; extend, spread out; fill

Use "pervade|pervaded|pervades|pervading" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pervade|pervaded|pervades|pervading" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pervade|pervaded|pervades|pervading", or refer to the context using the word "pervade|pervaded|pervades|pervading" in the English Dictionary.

1. Order, proportion, and fitness pervade the universe.

2. Nano technology will soon pervade the world.

3. 3 Weariness pervaded his whole body.

4. A smell of decay pervaded the air.

5. Tea trays pervade the corridors, going everywhere.

6. A spirit of hopelessness pervaded the country.

7. That personality traIt'seems to pervade everything he does.

8. An altogether lighter atmosphere pervaded the dairy.

9. A retrospective influence pervaded the whole performance.

10. A sibilant murmuring briefly pervaded the room.

11. 6 It is pleasant to live in a locality where hospitality pervades.

12. A strong sense of patriotism pervaded his writings.

13. The all-pervading red dust seeped into every nook and cranny.

14. Yes, a spirit of ungodliness pervaded human affairs.

15. The smell of baked apples pervaded the house.

16. Issues around IT governance will pervade the course.

17. Feelings of self confidence, power, and euphoria pervade.

18. According to Spender's research, double standards pervade the classroom.

19. It pervades our being, our every fiber.

20. Pornography pervades the media, especially the Internet.

21. But the Stampede atmosphere pervades the city.

22. 6 The remnant nebular gas pervades the interplanetary space.

23. The entire house was pervaded by a sour smell.

24. Hard feelings pervade, especially between Paulette and her father.

25. The smell of sawdust and glue pervaded the factory.